Sewing in Arts!!!

Hello guys! 

As you know, we are going to sew in Arts!! 
It's going to be a new experience for most of us and 
we are going to have a lot of fun! 

We are going to make our own doll and we are going to learn a lot of new things related to our project: DIVERSITY

Here are the steps to do this activity: 

1. Choose different types of diversity that you want to show with your doll (gender, race, clothes, disability, religion, appearance...). Share these ideas with your group and make decisions together.

2. Draw your doll's body in a piece of cloth using the patterns the teacher has. We will give you these pieces of cloth depending on the color you have chosen. The teacher will explain how to do it in class - PAY ATTENTION because this part is very important. 

3. Cut the doll's body. The whole group has to work together as it is a little bit difficult. 

4. Do a running stitch to prepare to sew the dolls: "hilvanar"

5. Sew your doll's body, but leave a little unstitched space so you can put the foam inside. 

6. Turn the doll's body over and fill it with foam. Now, finish sewing it. 

Now the doll's body is done. 

To be continued...


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